Jan 18Liked by Joel Jenkins

"With no sweeping reforms in the budget to curb corporate profits and the ‘profit price spiral’ that has inflationary effects on the nations (sic) economy"

Why would the government bother doing anything about the profit-price spiral when the Reserve Bank is whacking mortgage holders with interest rate hikes? Even though the much spoken about wage-price spiral hasn't existed for some years, it's the only tool the 'independent' bank has at its disposal. And it's oh-so convenient!

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When the chips are down, all the parties will fall back in line.

The mainstream media depends on the advertising dollars that Woolies and Cole’s put their way (ditto with the banks, fast food companies, the gambling industry and other large retailers like Harvey Norman, to name the most significant and egregious players).

The Liberals, despite their MAGA/ Trumpian strategy of positioning themselves as populists and patriots, on the side of the ‘(White) Aussie Battler’ are themselves steeped in the establishment and want nothing more than unrestrained neoliberalism.

The Nats generally drop the farmers like hot coals when the resources lobby dictates it.

Leaving it to Albanese’s variant of the ALP, always a day late and a dollar short ensures only the pretence of reform. It currently lacks the political will, leadership & bravery to see effective structural and regulatory reform through to its logical and effective conclusion.

At the end of the day, all of the aforementioned parties are determined to make the working class bear the burden of austerity to offset the consequences of the current system with its structural inequalities and predatory capitalism.

Only rank and file driven change from within the ALP or a reorganisation of parliament externally imposed by a Greens / Teal balance of power will change the status quo.

Many, such as myself, seek to do the former from within the ALP but it now seems more likely that the catalyst of a hung parliament and genuine power sharing will come first. How this influences the internal politics of the ALP and its policy platform will be interesting to observe.

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Unfortunately, the inquiry into grocery prices is just theatre, distracting attention from the fact that real wages have fallen and taxes on middle incomes have risen under this government (thanks to end of LMITO). Talk about the "cost of living" obscures this. Having announced the inquiry, the government will make sure it does nothing, and bury the release of the non-results.

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