An excellent read Joel. Thank you for your writing throughout the year.

The key for me personally has been the Government’s complete disinterest in the lives and struggles of young people. As someone with a student debt and unlikely to be able to afford any real estate, I look to the government to help me out with good quality public housing (not some Future Fund boondoggle) or CPI freezes on HECS. When the government sneers at the Greens and independents for asking reasonable questions or making a sensible policy proposal like these, it shows someone like myself the metaphorical middle finger.

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Great piece - everything this complacent government does feels too little, too late, too short sighted and an order of magnitude short of the mark. Our leaders are without ideas, charisma, imagination or ambition. A multigenerational legacy of smooth sailing has left them unable to conceive of anything better than the status quo and have lost all confidence in our ability to solve our own self-inflicted problems.

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Thank you Joel for your writing during this debilitating year. It's always incisive and angry in a really articulate way. I didn't really expect much from the Albanese government, but it's worse than those low expectations. You've always nailed the atrocious strategy and tactics the ALP has perpetrated. How do we find hope? Keep writing, keep protesting, and don't vote for either of the two major parties.

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Thanks for all the support Sally, I am glad that we share a connection via this stuff. Look after yourself and talk next year :)

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Well said Joel.

The disappointment I feel at Albanese and his government is unforgetable and unforgivable.

I will never forget the gutless stand taken by the federal government at the UN, on the question of genocide in Palestine. Albanese and his servants of Washington are complicit in this grotesque crime against humanity as is the MSM that regurgitates Israeli propaganda without question, despite what is reported in the Israeli press.

For the rest of my days, at election time I will scrawl across the ballot paper REMEMBER GAZA.

None of the current crop of politicians, in the two major parties, represent the interests of the average Australian man, woman, or child.

Albanese may sound more acceptable than Dutton, but he's still imposing Morrisons policies on us.

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The great success of the Albanese government is that they have managed to implement the LNP's recent policies. It follows the long tradition of neo-liberal actions like Hawke's anti-union Accord, Keating's privatisations and Gillard's ceding of sovereignty.

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