I think you will find that Charles will not pursue his pet political hobbies. And this restraint is part of the tradition of the English crown as it has developed over centuries. Obviously it is possible for Australia to become a republic, and this will have to happen if such a change is endorsed by a referendum. But I also say there is no doubt that since 1788, and despite the harms done to aboriginal people, the Australian national project has been a success. Refugees across the whole world have Australia in the top handful of countries in which they would like to settle. This is no accident, and there is no doubt that the political structure brought to this land in the late 18th century is an important cause of Australia's abiding welfare.

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Australia's affection for, and subservience to, Britain's Royal Family defy sober reasoning. The idea that Australia should belatedly achieve maturity and full independence had widespread support until John Howard (with eager support from many of his media pals) cunningly manipulated the referendum on the republic. Somehow, the republican movement was left divided and weakened, and a large chunk of Australians were persuaded they they wanted and needed to retain those tired old ties to the British Crown.

One of many ways in which the Lying Rodent left Australia a diminished nation, compared to how it was when he first took office.

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